كتيب ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare

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Thanks for having chosen the precision scale JOYCARE ,an accurate tool for a daily use. In order to ensure the correct usage of the scale, it is advisable to read
carefully this instructionmanual. It is also advisable to save this manual for a future use.
- Capacity: 250g
- Division: 0.1 g
- LCD display
- UNIT key:weight unit selection g/oz and calibration
- ON/OFF key: to switch the scale on and off.
- Tare function
- Auto switch off after 2 minutes of non use
- Overload indicator
- Low battery indicator
- Power supply: 2 batteries CR 2032 (6V) included
- Pincer and little spoon
- Leather carry bag
- 100g weight for scale calibration included
Select the weight unit: press and release the key once to change weight unit. Calibration: depress this key for a few seconds to begin calibration as outlined
under the “calibration procedure” on the next paragraph.
Calibration procedure:
Turn the scale on and allow unit to stabilize and display “0.0g”o “0.000oz”. Press and hold the “UNIT” key for a few seconds, the display will show “Cal” ,”CAL
0” and then “LOAD 100g”. gently place a 100g weight on the tray and wait. The display will flash “100g”, “DONE”, then “100g”. Calibration is completed. Gently
remove the weight from the tray. NOTE: if after calibration your scale does not read accurately, this indicates calibration error and the calibration process should
be repeated.
Open the battery compartment under the product. Remove the isolating tag and close the battery compartment. How to operate Place the scale on a stable and
flat surface. Switch the scale on,pressing theON/OFF key.The displaywill show“88888”at first and then,after a fewseconds,”0g“ or 0.000oz will be displayed.
Select the weight unit g/oz; now the scale is ready to be used. ATTENTION:PLACE THE FOOD ONTHE SCALE BOWL ONLYWHEN THE DISPLAY HAS SHOWN”0g”or
Stable reading indication
This is a very precise scale. The display may seem to wander or jump when weighing. This is due to air currents or vibrations. Stableweighing is achievedwhen
the small“o”appears in the top left corner of the display.
Tare function
The tare features is designed to allow the user to reset the scale to zero for certain circumstances. Tare can be used to eliminate the value of a pan liner,
scoop,beaker etc.Place the container on the weighing tray,wait for a stable reading and press “Tare” key. The unit returns to zero and the weigh value of the
container is permanently removed for the remainder of the procedure. NOTE:When all weight is removed from the weighing tray, the tare value of the container
will be displayed as a negative number. Press the “tare” again to return to zero or turn the scale OFF and then back ON.Whether the container is placed on the
platform before you switch the scale on, the scale will exclude the container weight automatically.
Overload indicator
When the weight exceeds the scale capacity (250g), the display shows:“Err”.Remove the excessiveweight immediately in order to avoid product damages.
Low battery indicator
Whether the display shows the lowbattery symbol or it does not light up, batteries are flat. Please replace batteries. Open the batteries compartment, placed
under the scale, and replace the flat batteries by 2 newCR2032 batteries, respecting the polarities.
Place always the product on a flat and stable surface.Please clean the appliance with a damp and soft cloth avoiding any water seepage inside the scale.Do not
use chemical detergents.Never deep the product into water. Avoid shaking, dropping or shocking the scale. This is a precision instrument and must be handled
with care. It is advisable to store the scale in a clean place. Dust, dirt, moisture, vibration, air currents, can all cause an adverse effect on the reliability and
accuracy of your scale. Avoid disturbing environmental conditions such as currents, vibrations, strong electrical and magnetic fields as well as a rapid change
of the environment temperature. Do not use mobile phones, cordless phones or wireless computer near the scale as it may cause temporary an uncorrected
working or inaccuracy. When the unit is not used for a long period of time, it is advisable to remove battery, as their leaking can damage the appliance. When
the scale is switched off, never place or lay any objects on it. Never try to repair the scale by yourself but always address to specialised centres; otherwise, the
warranty will be not valid anymore
Use this product only for its intended purpose, as described in this Instruction manual such as an electronic scale for domestic use only. Any other use should
be considered improper and dangerous. These scales should not to be used to weigh objects or substances in commercial transactions, to producemedicines, to
calculate tolls, tariffs, taxes, premiums, fines, remunerations, indemnities or fees of a similar kind determined by weight.
The product is made conformingwith all the applicable European regulations.
The device (including its removable parts and accessories)must not be disposed of together with municipal waste at the end of its life, but in compliance
with European Directive 2002/96/EC. Since itmust be handled separately fromhouseholdwaste,either carry it to a separately collected waste disposal
centre for electrical and electronic appliances or give it back to the retailer on purchasing a new device with the same purpose. Any infringement will
be severely prosecuted. The batteries used in this device must be disposed of in the special bins at the end of their life. Specifications and designs are
based on the latest information available at the time of printing and subject to change without notice.
قم بتنزيل الكتيب الدليلي بالعربية (PDF, 0.36 MB)
(عليك الاهتمام بالبيئة وقم بطبع هذا الكتيب الدليلي فقط إذا كان ذلك ضروريا بالفعل)



‫قم بإخبارنا عن رأيك في ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare عن طريق ترك تقييم للمنتج. هل تريد أن تشارك بتجاربك مع هذا المنتج أو طرح سؤال ما؟ يرجى ترك تعليق في أسفل الصفحة.
هل أنت راض عن ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare؟
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كن أول من يقيم هذا المنتج
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انضم للمحادثة المتعلقة بهذا المنتج

هنا يمكنك مشاركة رأيك حول ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare. إذا كان لديك سؤال، فاقرأ الدليل بعناية أولاً. يمكن طلب الدليل باستخدام نموذج الاتصال الخاص بنا.

المزيد عن دليل المستخدم هذا

نحن ندرك أنه من الجيد أن يكون لديك دليل ورقي لـ ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare الخاص بك. يمكنك دائمًا تنزيل الدليل من موقعنا الإلكتروني وطباعته بنفسك. إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على الدليل الأصلي، فنوصيك بالاتصال بـ Joycare. قد يكون بمقدورهم تقديم دليل أصلي. هل تبحث عن دليل ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare الخاص بك بلغة مختلفة؟ اختر لغتك المفضلة على صفحتنا الرئيسية وابحث عن رقم الطراز لمعرفة ما إذا كان متوفرًا لدينا.


الاسم التجاري Joycare
نموذج JC-189
فئة موازين مطبخ
نوع الملف PDF
حجم الملف 0.36 MB

كافة الأدلة لـ موازين مطبخ Joycare
المزيد من أدلة موازين مطبخ

الأسئلة المتداولة حول ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare

يبحث فريق الدعم لدينا عن معلومات مفيدة عن المنتج وإجابات على الأسئلة المتكررة. وإذا وجت عدم دقة في أسئلتنا المتكررة، فيرجى إخبارنا بذلك عن طريق استخدام استمارة الاتصال بنا.

كم جرام يوجد في الأوقية الواحدة؟ تم التحقق

إن الأوقية الواحدة تزن بالضبط 28.3495231 جرام أو 28 جرام عند أخذ الرقم الصحيح.

كان ذلك مفيدا (465) اقرأ أكثر

تتأكسد بطارية جهازي ، فهل يمكنني استخدامها بأمان؟ تم التحقق

نعم ، لا يزال من الممكن استخدام الجهاز بأمان. أولاً ، قم بإزالة البطارية المؤكسدة. لا تستخدم الأيدي العارية للقيام بذلك. ثم نظف حجرة البطارية بقطعة قطن مغموسة في الخل أو عصير الليمون. اتركه يجف وأدخل بطاريات جديدة.

كان ذلك مفيدا (253) اقرأ أكثر

كيف أنظف ميزان مطبخي؟ تم التحقق

ميزان المطبخ هو جهاز إلكتروني وبالتالي لا يمكن تنظيفه في غسالة الأطباق. استخدم قطعة قماش مبللة ومنظف معتدل لتنظيف ميزان المطبخ.

كان ذلك مفيدا (202) اقرأ أكثر
كتيب ميزان مطبخ JC-189 Joycare

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